In the final instalment on our series on relocating, we talk to four people who have taken the decision to relocate, both locally and abroad. We focus on their first-hand experiences of what the process was like for them and the effect it
CONTINUE READINGWe are halfway through our series on relocating, where we provide some practical advice on how to manage your move, either to a big city or small town. The most practical and efficient way to cart all your belongings to your new
CONTINUE READINGIt’s definitely that time of the year when the question “So, what’s your New Year’s resolution?” is being readily asked. Sure, some of your friends and family might have already set themselves goals, and have maybe already started making progress on them.
CONTINUE READINGThe COVID-19 pandemic has made many of us stand still and take stock of our lives. For many, this has been the catalyst for making those big life decisions that otherwise we would never have considered, let alone followed through on. With
CONTINUE READINGFirstly, allow me to wish you all a very happy New Year! We hope you’ve had a good rest and that you’re refreshed and pumped up for the year ahead. To New-Year’s-resolution, or not to New-Year’s-resolution? That’s usually the question. With each
CONTINUE READING“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” – Douglas Adams That’s a bit what it’s felt like since we launched Seasoned Journeys. If you’re still asking “What is Seasoned Journeys?” then allow me to expand.
CONTINUE READINGI love learning new things. So much so, that I am always ‘shopping’ around to see which new exciting workshops or programmes are available in my area. I am also of the opinion that, in life, we all need to try something
CONTINUE READINGLadies, I know I’m not alone when I say that it would be great if we could all escape to a beautiful, sunny, Covid-free bubble somewhere. Not having to be constantly bombarded with everything that goes along with this pandemic sounds like
CONTINUE READINGSocial media always reminds me of an amusement park. You’re overwhelmed with excitement when you first arrive; running around trying to see everything and deciding which ride you’ll go on first. This is a happy place but can also be very scary.